Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Okay, maybe I lied . . .

Maybe it took a few days for my brain to really come to grips to what I was trying to get it to do -- DREAM BIG!  When faced with the daunting task of picking exactly what I would wish for if I could wish for anything, I failed.  Big time.  But the Room and Board catalog came yesterday and jogged my memory a little bit . . .  here 's a few items from my wishlist:

Vladimir Kagan designed Juno Chair from Room & Board.  JT has always wanted a recliner and I was pretty well decided there were no good looking recliners to be found in the world.  Then I saw this beaut.  In white leather, a pair of these would be supreme in any living room or library.
Malm fireplace - they exist in the vintage/antique market or new from Design Within Reach.  I would pick one up in white (of course).  Even though the Lawn living room already has a fireplace, I am sure I could find a way to make this work.  Maybe in the bedroom?

Also -- good news.  My mother informed me of an upcoming IKEA trip and asked if I needed anything.  Do I ever!!  Two pages later, I might be demoted to bottom daughter.  At least I left the big, heavy stuff off the list for now . . . When she comes back with my spoils, I will post up the goodness.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

If Wishes Were Horses . . .

"If Wishes Were Horses" my mother used to say to me.  It never made sense.  Wishes aren't horses.  And why would beggars want to ride?  Wouldn't beggars wish for money or maybe food or a roof over their head?  At any rate, I digress.  Anna's post at Door16 about her karmic wish fulfillment got me thinking.  What design world item would I wish for?  The possibilities are so limitless, it is a bit overwhelming.  Plus I had never really thought about it because it seems like so much, well, wishful thinking.  But if the thrifting gods are ever going to smile on ME, I guess I better be ready.  Time for some 1st Dibs browsing.

And the results . . . .
I came up blank!

What?  I guess the thing is, I love it all.  Or at least most of it.  Would I love an Eames Lounger?  Sure.  They're beautiful and probably the closest thing to a recliner I would ever allow in my house.

But there's also some other awesome vintage leather lounge chairs out there with great lines so I don't know if it has to be an Eames.  Plus I caught myself browsing for things I need to fill holes in my home right now, like a vanity.  I don't know if that counts for a "if I could wish for anything, I'd wish for this" kind of thing because really it's just something I am thinking about now. 

Maybe I need therapy. 

Like furniture therapy or retail therapy . . . .